Sep 17th
Nov 14th
Takashi Amano has gained notoriety for his nature aquariums (Public Domain)

Nature Aquarium Exhibition 2021

Explore a variety of ecosystems at Gallery AaMo

Gallery AaMo
Sep 17th - Nov 14th 2021

From September 17th through until November 14th, Tokyo's Gallery AaMo will host Nature Aquarium Exhibition 2021, a unique event which is the brainchild of Niigata-born Takashi Amano (1954 - ). Amano has often been referred to as the "master of aquascapes" thanks to his passion for recreating natural ecosystems in aquarium form.

The event will showcase 11 different nature aquarium tanks alongside displays of large-scale waterscape photography also taken by Amano—some of them span up to eight meters in length.

Admission to the event is priced at 1500 yen for adults, 1200 yen for junior high and high school-aged students, and 900 yen for elementary school-aged students. Advance bookings can be made via Lawson and 7-11 for a slight discount before the event's start date.


Gallery AaMo can be accessed within two minutes on foot from Suidobashi Station, which is served by the JR Chuo Line and the Toei Mita Line.

For those who opt to drive, parking is available at Tokyo Dome City. More information about the different lots and their rates can be found on the official website here.



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