Morioka's Hachimangu Shrine is one of the most impressive shrines in Morioka City. Hachimangu Shrines are dedicated to Hachiman, the kami of war, which used to be particularly popular among the leading military clans of the past. As you enter under the Torii gate, you will notice the main hall sits in a commanding position at the top of the stairs. There is a purification trough located at the base of the steps, Komainu guardian dogs, along with a large stone courtyard surrounded by lush foliage and Ema boards. The relaxing grounds and beautiful gardens make this a pleasant visit whether you're there to worship or simply take in the beauty of Japan's culture.
Morioka's Hachimangu Shrine
A Beautiful Hachiman Shrine

來自 Chris Barnes

The Shrine colours reflect brialliantly during the later hours of the afternoon and early morning

The large Torii gate as seen from the entrance to the Shrine

The purification trough located at the base of the stairs leading to the main hall

The large stone courtyard at the base of the stairs

The grounds of the Shrine are very relaxing thanks to the lack of tourist crowds

The impressive main hall is typical of all Hachiman Shrines

The grounds of the Shrine are very relaxing thanks to the lack of tourist crowds

Hachiman Shrines are dedicated to Hachiman, the kami of war, which used to be particularly popular among the leading military clans of the past.
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