

After 5 p.m. snow fell continuously! I felt like I was looking at a scene in a fairy tale.

Red fire in black charcoal! The irori fireplace reminds me of long-gone memories. I felt like I was a boy again!

Beginning of a silent night with snow falling from the sky endlessly

The hostess of the traditional inn told me a story while grilling fish over the charcoal fire in the irori fireplace

Impressive wooden wall clock! It was ticking regularly but I wished time would stop this night!

When I looked out a window I saw this!

The gorgeous dinner served for me in a small village between mountains didn't disappoint my expectations! Familiar, nostalgic tastes encouraged me to drink many glasses of sake, and happiness filled my heart.

A flash of red in a black and white world. By morning it would be buried in snow, too!

Snow enhanced my appreciation of the wonderful warm hospitality I received on this night!
Avery Choi 作者
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