鑑於成田國際機場是日本最著名的機場之一,因此大多數入境旅客將成田市與機場這個地標聯繫起來也就不足為奇了。 然而,成田市不僅僅是一個交通樞紐,還擁有體現日本獨特性的各種目的地。
位於日本南部的山口縣,萩市是一個海濱地區,以其自然美景、文化遺產和懷舊的城下町而聞名。以下列出了必須到訪或嘗試的 11 個目的地和體驗(排名不分先後)。 收拾好行李,親自探索萩巿的魅力!
The Azabudai Hills Gallery is holding an upgraded Pokémon craft exhibition from November 1, 2024 to February 2, 2025. The exhi..
If a full body hot spring bath isn't your thing, consider the next best option–baths just for your feet.
In Nintendo's recent financial earnings report released in May 2024, the company confirmed the Nintendo Museum will finally..
From July 3rd 2024, the Bank of Japan will be issuing new banknotes for the main denominations of 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen and 1,000..